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India is a land endowed with an abundance of biological and geographical diversity. We can uncover Enormous varieties of flora and fauna on our earth. Here, the terms flora and fauna refer to the plants and animals found in a distinct geographical region or habitat. In the diverse geographical region, we can see different kinds of flora and fauna. These are scattered throughout the sub-continent and in a greater share of Indian tourism. Indian flora consists of a wide variety of indigenous plants. As per the physiographic divisions, the flora can be seen in different regions in India ie; The Himalayas, The Thar desert, the Indo-Gangetic Plain, Peninsular India, the Coastal Plains, and the Indian Islands. The well-known fauna of India incorporates five hundred different collections of well-evolved mammals, two thousand types of birds, thirty thousand sorts of bugs, and a few collections of fish, creatures of land and water, and reptiles. 

Each plant and animal in the world fetches something to the environment that another plant or animal including man will rely on. This designs a balance of life that stimulates the life cycle to survive. The flora and fauna are crucial because they form the fine tangle of life, where each life has something to donate even if in a very small way. The plants of the earth produce the oxygen that is breathed by the fauna and in turn, the fauna exhales the carbon dioxide that the flora needs to live, one cannot live out the others, and the humans cannot live without either. The presence of one species depends upon the existence of the other.

Table of Contents

Species can be categorized into




Extinct Species: These are species that are not found after searches of known or possible regions where they might happen. Animal categories might be terminated from a neighbourhood, nation, mainland, or the whole earth.

Examples of such species are the Asiatic cheetah and pink head duck.

Rare Species: Species with little populace might move into the imperilled or on the other hand weak class if the negative variables influence them to keep on working. Examples of such species are the Himalayan earthy colored bear, wild Asiatic bison, desert fox furthermore, hornbill, and so forth.

Normal Species

The populace level of species viewed as typical for their endurance, like dairy cattle, sal, pine, rodents, and so forth.

Endemic Species: These are species that are just found in a few specific regions typically secluded by normal or geological boundaries. Examples of such species are the Nicobar pigeon, Andaman wild pig, and Mithun in Arunachal Pradesh.

Vulnerable Species: The species which are most susceptible to being endangered in near future are known as vulnerable species. Examples are one-horned Rhino, blackbuck, and so forth.

Endangered Species: These are species that are at risk of annihilation. The endurance of such species is troublesome if the negative factors that have prompted a downfall in their populace keep on working. Examples of such species are a dark buck, crocodile, Indian wild ass, Indian rhino, lion followed macaque, sangria, and so forth. Measures for the protection of wildlife

Measures to protect our flora and fauna before it vanishes forever!

  • It is vital to stop brutality against wild animals and activities like hunting. Relevant laws should be followed rigidly. The provision for penalty and punishment should be made strict.
  • It is necessary to keep a balance between herbivorous and carnivorous animals. Therefore, Census should be conducted time and again.
  • Forests provide natural safety to wildlife. Therefore, we should stop the ruin of forests and thereby save the animals from becoming homeless.
  • Knowledge should be given to people for the protection of wildlife by clarifying the importance of wildlife.
  • Many animals and vegetation are destroyed due to forest fires. Therefore, quick and solid steps should be made for extinguishing the fire.
  • Actions should be made for the timely medical treatment of wild animals against diseases. Sanctuaries, National Parks, and Reserves should be developed.

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