Quit India movement

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“Here is a mantra, a short one that I give you. You may imprint it on your hearts and let every breath of yours give expression to it. The mantra is: ‘Do or Die’. We shall either free India or die in the attempt; we shall not live to see the perpetuation of our slavery”


Mahatma Gandhi

These are the words of  Mahatma Gandhi in the conference of the Indian National Congress held in Bombay in 1942 August 8. At this conference, The Congress launched the Quit India movement asking the British to withdraw from India and it was the last popular protest under the leadership of Gandhiji  organized by the Indian National Congress. The Quit India Movement is also called  August kranti Movement or Bharat Chodo Andolan. The protest wanted an end to British rule in India.

The beginning of the Quit India movement was on August 9, 1942. Since then the day is celebrated as August Kranti Day.India celebrates the 79th anniversary of ‘Quit India Movement.The day is celebrated as tribute to freedom fighters

Factors that led to the Quit India Movement.

  • Hesitation of the British to implement constitutional reforms in India and the collapse of Cripps Mission. 
  • Public objection against price hike and famine 
  • The assumption  of people that the British would be defeated in the Second World War

As part of the movement, Gandhiji called for the following

  • Princely states should recognise the sovereignty of the people 
  • Farmers should not pay land tax to the british
  • Government officials without resigning their positions, shall disclose their loyalty to Indian National Congress and without quitting the positions in the army,  soldiers shall disobey orders to shoot and kill Indians

All about Quit India Movement:

lot of people gathering
  • Mahatma Gandhi delivered his speech marking the beginning of the Quit India Movement on August 8 and 9,1942 at Mumbai’s Gowalia Tank Maidan also known as August Kranti Maidan along with other leaders.
  • In the speech, Gandhiji called the nation to ‘Do or Die’. The entire INC was imprisoned without trial within hours of the speech
  • Several national leaders like Mahatma Gandhi,Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Abdul Kalam Azad etc  were arrested.
  • The slogan “Quit India” was coined by Yusuf Meherally, another congress leader.
  • The British government declared the Congress as an unlawful association, its offices all over the country were raided, and their funds were frozen.
  • The movement was peaceful at first half till Mahatma Gandhi’s release.


  • The second half of the movement became violent with raids and setting fire at  railway stations,post offices and government buildings. The policy of violence was adopted by Lord Linlithgow.The Communist Party,  Americans and Viceroy’s Council of Muslims supported Britishers.
  • Aruna Asaf Ali presided over the AICC session after the arrest of major leaders. She hoisted the flag at Mumbai’s Gowalia Tank Maidan with a large crowd,  despite several police warnings and government notices for banning public processions and assemblies.
  • In September 1942, The final phase of the movement was marked. People gethered together and bombings in government places of Madhya Pradesh and Mumbai.
  • The British refused to grant immediate independence. And also  stated that it could only be granted after the war ended. Finally, in 1947, India got independence.

Check your knowledge

India celebrates the 80th anniversary of ‘Quit India Movement

 The Congress launched the Quit India movement asking the British to withdraw from India

The slogan “Quit India” was coined by Yusuf Meherally

August kranti Movement or Bharat Chodo Andolan

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