ADHD- Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

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The abbreviation of ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Its an neurological condition.Hard to control their behaviour/pay  attention.Between 3-5% have ADHD. In classroom of 30 students –at least one child have ADHD.I ts usually diagnosed at childhood and often last till adulthood. Here child find difficulty to follow  instruction.Its not that the people want to do its because they are not able to do it.


Types of ADHD

  1.     Hyperactive
  2.     Inattentive
  3.     Combined


Here the child moves constantly.They will be interrupting in conversations.They have troubkle in concentrating in school.It will lead to anxiety and depression


  1. Overactive
  2. Restlessness
  3. Excessive talking
  4. Loud interaction
  5. Difficulty waiting level


They are also called as attention deficit disorder.

  •     Easily distracted
  •      Trouble paying attention
  •      Trouble following directions
  •      Slow to process information
  •      Shy or withdraw behaviour
  •      Careless, disorganized
  •     Trouble following the  task


It’s a neurobehavioural disorder having characteristics of both hyperactive and inattentive.Having six or more symptoms of each type is combined. This type is commonly seen.

Cause of ADHD

  •       Hereditary
  •       Brain injury
  •       Smoking and drinking dutring pregnancy
  •       Environmental factors
  •       Pre-mature birth

Tips for managing ADHD

  •       Help your child
  •       Understand ADHD
  •       Work with teachers and caregivers
  • ·    Keep track of   child

Teaching Strategies

  •      Creative presentation.
  •      Visual aids and hand on experience
  •      Link with personal stories , sound, visual image
  •      Active reader- underline, highlight
  •     Make them sit in front row.
  •     Break assignment  to small chunks
  •     Time management
  •     Keep diaries
  •     Develop study routine
  •     Clear and detailed instruction both oral and written film , handout and        diagram, flow chart.
  •       Use as much a verbal description.
  •       Use different colours.
  •       Consider recording lectures and seminars.
  •       Repeat important  information.



  •       Stimulants such as Ritalin or Adderall.
  •       Non stimulants such as Strattera


Check your knowledge

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  •       Hereditary
  •       Brain injury
  •       Smoking and drinking during pregnancy
  •       Environmental factors
  • ·     Pre-mature birth

Hyperactive, Inattentive, Combined

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