Dopamine-The feel good hormone

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Dopamine, the happy hormone, is also a neurotransmitter that makes the communication between our brain and the rest of our body possible. It helps us in movement, memory, attention, sleep and so on. Dopamine provides us with a sense of pleasure, hence the name happy hormone and it also impels us to do what offers us instant gratification. It is released in a large amount when we do something pleasurable.

Junk foods, social media and drugs mainly induce the production of dopamine thus making our body less able to produce it naturally. Imagine we are in the middle of our study or work, we hear our phone ringing. Our brain responds instantly to the sound with a shot of it and we are compelled to react to it. The same happens when we have pizza, cola, KFC etc, we are unable to stop it with one. This chase for dopamine rushes is dangerous as they make us come back to it.

Dopamine detox

illustration of man running behind carrot

Dopamine dependence creates a toxic cycle. Dopamine detox is the interruption of this cycle and also changing the nature of our relationship with food, technology and all other sources of desire. On performing a dopamine detox, one may not suddenly become self-disciplined or it may not increase or decrease the dopamine level in the body. But, it can give us a sense of control over our lives, it aids to improve the resistance to our temptations. Detaching from such factors can have certain health benefits i.e., avoiding hours of scrolling through social media can help us achieve a state of mindfulness.

Dopamine and mental health

Too much of this feel-good hormone can cause hallucinations and delusions. Some researchers suggest that low amounts of this hormone can be a potential reason for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Too little of it can also create a lack of motivation. Drugs like ‘dopamine reuptake inhibitors’ are used to treat depression and addictions such as smoking, over-eating etc. 

Thinking about improving the dopamine level naturally? Try these!

  •  Practice yoga, meditation or include some sort of exercise in your daily life.
  • Go for a walk in nature.
  • Eat a healthy diet that includes leafy veggies, fruits, and Magnesium-rich foods
  • Engage in a hobby
Dopamine detox

Keep this in mind,

If we don’t control our mind, something else will!!


Read more : James Webb Space Telescope

Check your knowledge

Dopamine, the happy hormone, is also a neurotransmitter that makes the communication between our brain and the rest of our body possible.Dopamine provides us a sense of pleasure, hence the name happy hormone and it also impels us to do what offers us instant gratification

It is the interruption of the toxic cycle created by dopamine dependance. It includes improving the nature of our relationship with food, technology etc.

We can practice yoga, meditation or include any sort of exercise in our routine. We can eat a healthy diet, go for a walk in nature or we can engage in any hobbies.

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