Eye Donation

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The ability to see is one of the most beautiful gifts in our life. Our eyes are our windows to the world. As we open them, we get to experience the beautiful and fascinating sights on this wonderful earth. We should consider ourselves fortunate enough to have this ‘extraordinary’ visual experience during our lifetime.

Now spare a thought for the visually challenged people on this planet. To be ‘blind’ and not able to see the things around us is a great challenge, which takes a toll physically and mentally. For the blind, every day is a struggle. It takes great courage and determination for them to face their daily difficulties and live on!

People might suffer from ‘loss of vision’ due to several reasons. While some are born blind, others might lose their eyesight over the years. Either way it is mental trauma. People without vision require constant emotional support from their friends and family. It is the collective responsibility of the society to ensure happiness in their lives and to help them achieve their goals in life. 

Thanks to the progress in medical science, through eye donation, it is now possible to restore eyesight in blind people with corneal defects. 

Eye donation is a noble act. Lending someone ‘vision’ is synonymous with bringing light in his/her life. Following are a few vital information regarding ‘eye donation’.

Everyone can donate their eyes


Every individual has the right to donate their eyes post death regardless of their age and gender. Individuals suffering from sexually transmitted diseases and communicable diseases are the only exceptions!

Eyes should be removed within 6 hours of donor’s death

The donor’s eyes should be removed surgically within the first few hours (within six hours) of his/her death for being medically approved. The donor’s relative (the nominee) has to inform the eye bank of his/her death. These steps are vital for ensuring eye donation is successful. 

It does not cause any disfigurement


Eye donation never causes any facial disfigurement. Friends and relatives of the donor can hold a proper funeral process for their dear one even after the eye donation process.

Eye donation is free of all costs

It is a medical charity and hence is exempted from all costs. Selling, buying or brokering in the pretext of eye donation is a criminal offense. 

The benefit of anonymity

The identity of the donor and recipient will never be disclosed in the public domain and their privacy will be always safeguarded.

High success rates

eye test

Over 90 percent of the corneal transplantations have been successful and have helped in restoring vision in people with corneal blindness. A timely donation will help us in restoring eyesight in babies born with such conditions.

Consent of donor’s kin is mandatory

An eye donation cannot be carried out without the approval of the relatives or friends of the deceased donor. It is mandatory for the donor to appoint a friend/relative as their representative during his/her lifetime, for making sure that eye donation will be carried out smoothly after his/her death.

The decision to donate your eyes can change somebody else’s life. It is a noble act. Be part of it!

Check your knowledge

  Answer) Individuals suffering from sexually transmitted diseases and communicable diseases cannot donate their eyes.

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