World Paper bag day

Athira AP
Updated on

 “Use and reuse paper bags and contribute your bit to nature”

World paper bag day is celebrated on July 12th every year to promote the utilization of paper bags and reduce the use of plastic bags. The day aims to spread information on how paper bags are better for our environment. Since plastic bags are extremely harmful to the environment, people need to be educated about the dangers and hazards associated with them.

Paper bag day is observed on different dates in some countries

Every year on World Paper bag day, a different theme is observed.The theme for World Paper Bag Day 2022 is “If You’re Fantastic, Do Something Dramatic to Cut the Plastic, Use Paper Bags”.

The materials used to manufacture plastic bags are non-renewable, non-recyclable, and non-biodegradable; some of these materials are LDPE (low-density polyethylene) and HDPE (high-density polyethylene) and LLDPE (linear low-density polyethylene). Since these materials take thousands of years to decompose, they pose a significant threat to the environment. Thus, World Paper Bag Day promotes the use of eco-friendly, renewable, recyclable paper bags.

Advantages of using Paper bag

  1. They are eco-friendly and renewable resource
  2. They are reusable and recyclable 
  3. They are inexpensive
  4. They are biodegradable
  5. They do not leave behind toxins as they are easily compostable.




  • Biodegradable 

  • Reusable

  • Recyclable 

  • Paper bags are non toxic

  • Non – carcinogenic

  • Pollution free

  • Non – biodegradable

  • Not reusable 

  • Non – recyclable

  • Plastic bags are toxic

  • Carcinogenic 

  • Causes pollution

How to promote the use of paper bag

  1. Spread awareness
  2. Carry paper bag while going for shopping
  3. Impose / Charge fine while using plastic bag in public places
  4. Provide training to make paper bags in schools 

5 ways to use paper bags

  1. Pack belongings 
  2. Store vegetables
  3. Make compost
  4. Freshen stale bread
  5. Cover books


Paper bags are environment friendly. They have no negative impact on biodiversity. They are biodegradable and contribute to ecological harmony. On paper bag day, take an oath and encourage everyone to choose paper over plastic.

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