Indian Council of Agricultural Research

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The ICAR – Indian Council of Agricultural Research is an autonomous organization. It comes under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, GOI. It was established on July 16, 1929. Initially known as the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research, it was set up as a registered society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, in accordance with the report of the Royal Commission on Agriculture. The headquarters of the ICAR is located at New Delhi. ICAR is the apex body which coordinates, guides and manages research and education in agriculture including horticulture, fisheries and animal sciences in the whole country. ICAR is one of the largest national agricultural systems in the world. There are 111 ICAR institutes and 71 agricultural universities spread across India! Through its research and development, the ICAR played a crucial role in the Green Revolution and other developments in the Indian agricultural sector. It has contributed heavily in increasing the production of foodgrains by 5.6 times, horticultural crops by 10.5 times, fish by 16.8 times, milk by 10.4 times and eggs by 52.9 times between 1950-2018, making a considerable impact on national food and nutritional security. The activities of ICAR have promoted excellence in higher education in Agriculture. Their scientists are world famous, ICAR is engaged in highly advanced areas of science and technology development. ‘ICAR Vision 2050’ involves a strategic framework for innovation-led inclusive and sustainable agricultural growth in India.


  • ICAR will set up a Farmers Innovation Fund. It will help in promoting innovations by progressive farmers. The innovations will be scientifically approved at ‘Center for Innovation’ in New Delhi. ICAR aims at reforming the farming sector with the aid of the latest technologies. 
  • ICAR focuses on reducing the use of pesticides and fertilizers. Instead, they are developing nano fertilizers and nano pesticides for promoting organic farming. 
  • ICAR stresses on the fact that agriculture is a science. It strongly believes that application of principles of science will help in boosting agriculture. To encourage the use of technology in the farming sector, ICAR has set up links between 105 startups and farmers so far.
  • For the first time in 107 years of history of the Indian Science Congress, the Farmers’ Science Congress was inaugurated in 2020! The theme for the year was “Science & Technology: Rural Development”.
  • Encouraging organic farming. ICAR has so far developed 45 different organic models suitable for different agro-climatic regions. It has validated 51 integrated farming systems for increasing income as well.
  • For improving rural bio economy and attracting youth to agriculture, a programme named ARYA (Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture) is also being implemented.


  • In the year 1957, the first All-India Coordinated Research Project on Maize was initiated.
  • In the year 1958, the Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI) was accorded the status of deemed university.
  • The first State Agricultural University on land grant pattern was established at Pantnagar in the year 1960.
  • Placement of several agricultural research institutes under the purview of ICAR was initiated in the year 1966.
  • Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE) was included in the Ministry of Agriculture in the year 1973
  • In the year 1974, the first ever Krishi Vigyan Kendra was opened at Puducherry (Pondicherry)
  • The Agricultural Research Service and Agricultural Scientists’ Recruitment Board was set up in 1975.
  • The Lab-to-Land Programme and the National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) was launched in 1979.
  • Institution-Village Linkage Programme (IVLP) was initiated in the year 1995.
  • In 1996, the National Gene Bank was established at New Delhi.
  • In the year 1989, ICAR was given the King Baudouin Award for its valuable contribution in the ‘Green Revolution’.
  • The National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP) was launched in 1998.
  • ICAR was awarded the King Baudouin Award for the second time in the year 2004, for research and development efforts made under partnership in the Rice Wheat Consortium.
  • In the year 2005, the National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) was launched.

Check your knowledge

  Answer) Indian Council of Agricultural Research

 Answer) Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture

Answer) July 16, 1929

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