Plan your day

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School days are probably the happiest days of our lives. The memories are cherished forever. It’s very important for students to plan their day perfectly. It allows them to excel in academics as well as in extra curricular activities.

Schools run on tight schedules. The onus is on students to find time for studies and their fun activities. Striking a balance between academics and extra curricular activities helps in improving the mental well being of students, enabling them attain greater success and happiness in their lives.

Here are a few tips on how to plan your day!

A perfect schedule: Time is precious. It is important to use it appropriately. Try making a list of things to do every day. This helps in time management and improves your overall productivity. You should always have an idea regarding what to do next.

This practice tends to make you more accountable. Prepare checkboxes. You should perfectly plan your day at school. You should be able to plan your leisure time effectively as well.

Daily review: Go through your daily plan everyday in the evening. Identify areas where you have to improve. Take note of tasks you haven’t accomplished. Make necessary readjustments and if required set new deadlines. Learn to ‘prioritize’ and push yourself to do better. Avoid procrastination.

Make use of productivity tools: Students can either use a pen and paper for preparing a daily to-do list or resort to online productivity tools such as Todoist and Google Keep for the same. These tools will make sure you don’t forget any assignments given by teachers, and will also remind you of other important tasks to be completed. 


Spend time with friends and family: Always find time to talk to your near and dear ones. Spend quality time with your friends, family and teachers. Go for vacations, play games, and attend interactive sessions for holistic learning. It prepares you better for the future challenges. A happy mind can create wonders. So be cheerful all the time and spread positivity. 

Identify your long-term goals: Identify your long term goals, work on them. Dreams do come true. Sky’s the limit for a student with discipline and dedication. Identifying your passion at a very young age will help you become successful in your life. As you grow, make sure that you are constantly updated about the developments in the fields of your interest. Talk to the experts, get proper career guidance for fulfilling your dreams. 

healthy life style

Healthy lifestyle: Regular exercise and proper diet are also vital for a jovial life. A healthy lifestyle is the perfect recipe for success. This will help students stay fit both physically and mentally. And also help them increase their productivity. They should drink adequate water and should at least sleep for 7-9 hours per day to stay healthy.

School days are definitely the golden period of one’s life. You gain knowledge from schools, they play a major role in your personality development. You make friends and everlasting memories in school.  It’s a place where you laugh out loud, cry and dance in joy. School witnesses all your emotions. Your teachers are your mentors. They always guide you in the right direction. Schools are the factories of a nation where its future citizens are produced!

Each day at your school is precious! You are never going to get it back in life! Hence plan your school days accordingly and use them wisely!


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