Stag Beetle: World’s Most Expensive Insect

Habish Ribin Haneef
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Do you want to become a millionaire overnight? Go get a Stag Beetle! This insect has the capability to make you a millionaire and completely change your life. Wondered about thinking how an insect can change your life? Well, the stag beetle is not like other ordinary insects, it has some peculiarities compared to other insects and it is these peculiarities that make it expensive. In this blog, let’s discuss about the stag beetle, its features and most importantly the reason behind its high cost.

Stag Beetle: Overview

stag beetle

The stag beetles are a family of about 1,200 species of beetles in the family Lucanidae, currently classified in four subfamilies. The stag beetle is only 2 to 3 inches in size and its main identity is its horn that comes out of its blackhead. The oversize horns or mandibles are found in male stag beetles and they use these long horns to fight with each other for attaining favourable mating spots. The fight may also occur for attaining food items like tree sap and decaying fruits. Female stag beetles are smaller than male stag beetles and their mandibles are also smaller than the males. But, the mandibles of female stag beetles are much more powerful than the mandibles of male stag beetles. The female stag beetles lay eggs in deadwood or nearby soil and they almost lay 30 eggs. The main habitats of stag beetles are woodlands, hedgerows, traditional orchards, and urban areas such as parks and gardens with a lot of deadwood. The head and thorax of stag beetles are shiny black and wing cases are chestnut brown. Adult stag beetles do not eat, but they do drink sweet fluids like tree sap and liquid from decomposing fruits. The stag beetle completes a life cycle of seven years from egg to adult. Most of their lives are spent underground as larvae, only emerging in the summer to find a mate and reproduce. Most stag beetles live only for a few weeks after emerging as an adult. Stag beetles are harmless and are not that aggressive, but their jaws are enough to give you a small nightmare if you encourage them to have a pinch. Stag beetles are also important for recycling and breaking down dead wood and returning nutrients to the soil. Many small insects and fungi depend on their activities.

Why Stag Beetles Are So Expensive?

Yes, now let’s come to the point. Why stag beetles are so expensive? The main reason for this is that stag beetles are very rarely found throughout the globe and are a strange species. Some researchers have claimed that the stag beetle is the largest beetle found on earth and it can grow up to 8.5 cm. Many useful medicines are also made from this insect. Some species of stag beetle look extremely beautiful so many people prefer them to keep as a pet. Mindblowing, right? There is also a myth associated with this beetle. The myth is associated with Thor, the god of thunder. The myth states that if you keep the stag beetle on your head, it would protect you from lightning strikes! Now, do you want to hear an amazing news? A few years ago, a Japanese breeder sold his stag beetle for a whomping 89,000 US Dollars, which means Indian money approximately 65 lakhs! Can you believe that? This insect is considered such valuable and people are ready to spend more and more money on this beautiful beetle. Yes, this beetle has that Midas touch that can completely transform your life.


Read more:Rabindranath Tagore

Check your knowledge

Answers.  The oversize horns or mandibles are found in male stag beetles and they use these long horns to fight with each other for attaining favourable mating spots. The fight may also occur for attaining food items like tree sap and decaying fruits.

Answer. The main habitats of stag beetles are woodlands, hedgerows, traditional orchards, and urban areas such as parks and gardens with a lot of deadwood.

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