What is Computer Vision Syndrome?

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Our previous generation used to depend on paper for everything, but our generation has made a complete transition into the digital age. Our education, work and entertainment sources are largely dependent on computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones. Excessive exposure to digital displays and screens can take a toll on our ocular health. 

Studies suggest that computer vision syndrome is not only affecting adults these days, there are several children and students suffering from such eye-related problems. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is defined as a group of vision-related and muscular issues which happen due to continuous use of devices with digital displays. It is also known as digital eye strain. 

CVS started to rise after the mid-20th century, and witnessed a major surge in the 21st century!

Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome

Continuous engagements with digital screens have an overall impact on our health. It not just affects your eyes, but your posture as well. The symptoms can be associated with your neck, shoulders, back and arms as well. Symptoms of CVS can be more severe and often lead to extreme pain in people suffering from spondylosis. 

According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), uncorrected or undercorrected vision problems can also aggravate due to CVS. Even people with eyeglasses or contact lenses may encounter problems with viewing distance. They will have to sit closer to the screen or tilt their heads to read or watch better.  

Eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, neck and shoulder pain are the common symptoms of CVS you need to watch out for!

The treatment for CVS depends on the symptoms. For example, corrective eye glasses and lenses are used for dealing with blue-light exposure. Vision therapy is recommended in severe cases where focus of the eye and its coordination are impaired. 

Prevention is better than cure

eye test

Try your maximum to avoid long and uninterrupted periods of digital screen use. 

Follow the 20-20-20 rule while working at a computer. Take a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something that is 20 feet away. 

Following the 20-20-20 rule is ideal for reducing eye strain from digital screen use.

Some of the common tips for preventing CVS are:

  • To position the screen about 20-28 inches from the eyes, this is an optimal distance!
  • It is recommended to position the screen at a comfortable angle. The center of the screen shall be 15-20 degrees below eye level.
  • Make sure there is adequate lighting.
  • Either use an anti glare screen or alter the angle of screen to avoid glare from lighting.
  • Blink regularly. It will avoid eye dryness.
  • Wear glasses or lenses to rectify any underlying vision problems.
  • Sit comfortably. While typing make sure that your both feet are flat on the floor and there is a support in place for the arms.
  • Take rest breaks regularly.

Visit an eye doctor

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A very good work environment and adopting healthful screen-management habits are vital for preventing CVS.

Despite making necessary changes to their screen use, if an individual continues to experience CVS symptoms, then he/she should visit an eye doctor or ophthalmologist. Persistent symptoms might be the result of an underlying eye condition which requires proper treatment. 

So reduce your screen time! Protect your eyes! 

Check your knowledge

Answer)  Computer Vision Syndrome

      Answer) Eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, neck and shoulder pain are the common symptoms of CVS you need to watch out for!

 Answer) American Optometric Association

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