Chandrayaan 2

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Chandrayaan 2 is an Indian lunar mission. It helps to explore the unchartered south pole of the celestial body by landing a rover.

It is India’s Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, GSLV MkIII-M1 successfully launched On July 22, into the earth’s orbit.

   It is the second lunar exploration mission developed by the Indian space research organization (ISRO).ISRO began India’s planetary exploration program with the successful launch of the Chandrayaan-1 orbiter mission to the Moon in 2008.

       In the case of Chandrayaan-2 India attempted to make a soft landing on the lunar surface On September 7 but lander Vikram missed the primary landing site and went for the second. The visuals went missing from this.

 According to K Sivan(ISRO chief), communication from Vikram lander was lost and data is still being analyzed.

      It was developed by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and delivered to ISRO Satellite Center in June 2015 where the other spacecraft subsystems and payloads were built onto the structure. 

In India’s second lunar mission,  Orbiter, Lander (Vikram) & Rover (Pragyan) are the three modules.


       India will succeed, the fourth country to land on the moon, after the  USSR, US, and China, to cement its place among the world’s space-faring nations.

The journey of the Chandrayaan 2 satellite had begun towards the moon leaving the earth’s orbit in the dark hours on August 14, after a crucial maneuver called Trans Lunar Insertion on “Lunar Transfer Trajectory” that was carried out by Isro to place the spacecraf

GSLV MkIII-M1 rocket

on August 20 a major milestone for India’s occurred second Moon mission, the Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft successfully entered the lunar orbit by performing Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI) maneuver. ISRO released the first image of the moon captured by Chandrayaan-2 On August 22. ‘Vikram’ successfully separated from the orbiter   On September 2, following which two de-orbiting maneuvers were performed to bring the lander closer to the Moon.

 The failure of, India’s second mission to the Moon Chandrayaan-2, to make a soft landing on the lunar surface had led to much disappointment. The lander and rover malfunctioned in the last moments and got destroyed in the process.


lunar vechile
  • The primary objective of the Chandrayaan-2 was to demonstrate the ability to soft land and operate a robotic rover on the lunar surface
  • To study mineralogy, lunar topography, elemental abundance, lunar exosphere, and signatures of hydroxyl and ice and the lunar exosphere.
  • To study the water ice in the polar south region and thickness of the lunar regolith on the surface.
  • To demonstrate 3D maps of the lunar surface 

Vikram and Pragyan

Chandrayan 3

As India on September 7 attempted a soft landing on the lunar surface, all eyes were on the lander ‘Vikram’ and rover ‘Pragyan’. 

 The 1,471-kg ‘Vikram’, named after the father of the Indian space program Vikram Sarabhai, was designed to execute a soft landing on the lunar surface and to function for 14 earth days which means one lunar day.

Chandrayaan-2’s 27-kg robotic vehicle ‘Pragyan’, which translates to ‘wisdom’ in Sanskrit, can travel up to 500 meters from the landing spot on the moon and leverages solar energy for its functioning.


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The failure of, India’s second mission to the Moon Chandrayaan-2, to make a soft landing on the lunar surface had led to much disappointment. The lander and rover malfunctioned in the last moments and got destroyed in the process.

Chandrayaan-2 was developed by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and delivered to ISRO Satellite Center in June 2015 where the other spacecraft subsystems and payloads were built onto the structure.

successfully launched On July 22

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