Food and Nutrition

Vismaya c p
Updated on

Food is the basic need of every living organism. Food provides energy for all day today activities. the human body requires food to maintain constant body temperature, gain strength, fight against diseases, etc. A balanced diet is essential for leading a healthy life

The important nutrients we get through our food are

  • Proteins
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fats
  • Vitamins
  • Water
  • Salts




Proteins are the major source of nitrogen for the body. Nitrogen is an important constituent of enzymes hormones etc Bodybuilding, repairing of body tissue etc are other functions of proteins. proteins are of two kinds-vegetable protein and animal protein. Egg, meat, milk, cheese etc are good sources of animal proteins.

Peas beans pulses etc are sources of vegetable proteins. Animal proteins are more useful to the human body than vegetable proteins.



Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy and heat. carbohydrates are intaken in two forms – starch and sugar. Starch is seen in cereals like wheat, maize and rice and in certain vegetables like potato etc. Sugar is contained in fruits, sugarcane etc. During the digestive process, the carbohydrates are converted to glucose and utilized by the cell for energy production. the excess glucose is converted to glycogen and stored in the liver, when muscles need energy the glycogen is converted back to glucose. Insulin hormone maintains the blood glucose level.


Fats also supply energy for the body but the energy supplied by fats are double that of carbohydrates. fats are also two kinds-animal fats and vegetable fats. butter, ghee, cheese etc are good sources of animal fat whereas vegetable fats are obtained from mustard, coconut and castor.


 Minerals salts like chlorides, phosphates, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium and iodine are required for the building up of body tissues. They are directly absorbed and no need for digestion is required. All salts are important to the body in many ways

  • Iron is an important component of haemoglobin
  • Calcium salts are major parts of the bones
  • Sodium and potassium salts are required for the maintenance of alkalinity of blood
  • Goitre is a disease caused due to the deficiency of iodine


Vitamins are the organic substance which is essential for the normal growth and maintenance of health. Vitamins are required only in small quantities. our body cannot synthesize vitamins hence they should be included in our diet. there are mainly six types of vitamins. Vitamins can be classified into fat soluble and water soluble. vitamins A, D, and E K  are fat-soluble vitamins. The deficiency of vitamins leads to many diseases






Cheese, milk, butter, egg

Colour blindness


cereals, meat, fish, liver



Citrus fruits,



Animal fat, sunlight, milk



Almonds, Peanuts, spinach.



Green leafy vegetables

Problem in blood clotting


 Water is the most important constituent of the body. It is the essential nutrient which maintains the normal functioning of the body. the major functions of water include regulation of body temperature, maintenance of homeostasis, production of body fluids and removal of waste etc.


 Nutrition is the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. nutrition plays an indispensable role for a healthy life because food becomes nourishing when it is properly taken and digested by various organs of the body.

Normal nutritive diet varies from man to man. the diet required for a person who does a lot of manual work is different from that of a person who does a lot of mental work Malnutrition mal lead tovarious diseases Right kinds and amount of food can ensure good health.

Anaemia, Kwashiorkor, marasmus, scurvy, rickets, colour blindness etc are examples of nutrient deficiency diseases.


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Anaemia, Kwashiorkor, marasmus, scurvy, rickets, colour blindness etc are examples of nutrient deficiency diseases

Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, Water, and Salts





Cheese, milk, butter, egg

Colour blindness


cereals, meat, fish, liver



Citrus fruits,



Animal fat, sunlight, milk



Almonds, Peanuts, spinach.



Green leafy vegetables

Problem in blood clotting

Proteins are the major source of nitrogen for the body. Nitrogen is an important constituent of enzymes hormones etc Bodybuilding, repairing of body tissue etc are other functions of proteins.

Vitamins are organic substance which is essential for the normal growth and maintenance of health. Vitamins are required only in small quantities. our body cannot synthesize vitamins hence they should be included in our diet. there are mainly six types of vitamins. Vitamins are classified as fat soluble and water soluble. vitamins A, D, and E K  are fat-soluble vitamins. The deficiency of vitamins leads to many diseases

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