Solid Waste Management

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In recent years, Solid Waste Management has become a global concern.Treating solid waste is not an easy job.We need to consider public health, transportation,proper storage,proper collection etc. Failure to follow rules and protocols can result in accidents or endanger the health of people in the area.It is very important to our society because it avoid the harmful effects of municipal solid waste in our home.Proper disposal of most of this waste can protect the environment and also our loved ones.

What is Solid Waste Management?

Solid Waste Management is the collection,recycling and disposal of solid materials that have been discarded because they have served their purpose or are no longer in use.

Types of Solid Waste

types of solid waste
  • Hazardous waste:- Wastes that cause an immediate hazard to exposed people and environment.
  • Municipal Solid Waste:-Any harmless solid waste collected in the community and transported to treatment or disposal site.
  • Construction and demolition waste:- It includes non- biodegradable and inert materials like concrete,metal etc. 
  • Electronic Waste:- It consists of discarded T.V, mobiles, computer parts etc.

Collection of Solid Waste

collection of waste

Collection os solid waste in urban areas is complex.Since the generation of domestic,commercial and industrial waste is a process that extends to all houses,residences,commercial and industrial sites,streets etc.

  • Centralised Method:-In this process,the garbage collector collects garbage directly to the home,passes it to the collecting team and discard the waste in the landfill.
  • De-centralized method:-Waste is collected ward-wise and separated in to biodegradable and non-biodegradable. Bio degradable waste is composed at a nearby facility using a variety of aerobic and anaerobic composting methods. Non-biodegradable waste is further classified in to paper,plastic,metal etc. and then collected by recyclers.

Treatment of Solid Waste

Thermal treatments, Pyrolysis,Biological treatment methods, Sanitary land fills,Recycling etc are used for treating the solid wastes.

How we can reduce waste?

reduce recylce reuse

A waste reduction strategy can be incorporated by each of us  by following the 4 Rs principle






Read more : Hiroshima

Check your knowledge

Solid Waste Management is the collection,recycling and disposal of solid materials that have been discarded because they have served their purpose or are no longer in use.

Waste management is important because it protects the environment from the toxic effects of inorganic and biodegradable elements in waste.





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Food and Nutrition - Blog | Stuid Learning App August 8, 2022

[…] Read more :  Solid Waste Management […]


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