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It was on this day in August 1945, a B-29 bomber, the American aircraft which is flew away with the nuclear weapon named little boy to Hiroshima at Japan. The weapon contained 64 Kg of uranium that was ready for triggering a nuclear fission chain reaction. The brigadier general in the US Air Force Paul Tibbets, who also flew the B-29 aircraft to release the little boy atomic bomb in the city of Hiroshima on 6th August 1945 at 7:30 AM. After the the releasing of the bomb, it  took 45 seconds to reach the surface of the city. 45 seconds after the release of the little boy, the nuclear fission chain reaction was initiated. At 8:15  AM, a great energy disposal with an explosion took place. The impact of the first nuclear bombings in the world was so high. This killed 1,40,000 innocent people and made a generation with the consequences of the nuclear radiation. The bombing devastated the highly populated and highly developed city completely.

Why Bombed in Hiroshima?

why bomb japan

World War II has a tale of events with horror..  Bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the most horror full event .In the world war II, The axis powers ie  Italy-Germany-Europe were strengthened day by day. The consequences of the first world war made the second war filled with anger and revenge in the minds of the axis powers. The allied powers consisting of the Soviet Union, Britain, United States of America and France were also at the footsteps of aggression in the world war. The axis powers were near to winning the world war. To protect  Britain from the Nazis the US president Franklin D Roosevelt directly became involved in the war. This led Japan t o destroy Pearl Harbor, a military naval base of America on 7th December 1941. This made America stand against Japan. Which led to the usage of nuclear weapons in the world against Japan at Hiroshima. Harry S. Truman  was the president of the USA when the world’s first atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima.

The Consequences and Impact of the Bombings.


The bombing in Hroshima resulted killings of the people around 1,40,000. The  people who survived from the bombing  were suffering from many diseases due to the nuclear radiations. The city was completely devastated. Hiroshima was one of the highly populated and  developed cities in Japan. Now, the city has regained harmony of development, after 77 years. Now the city Hiroshima is a developed city with a peace park which bears the memories of the atomic bombings.. The atomic bomb dome in Hiroshima included  as one of the world heritage sites in 1996 by UNESCO.

fat boy

The Historical impact of the bombing was different. It created the world into  two sections. The first one is the realisation of people about the dangerous and devastating effect of nuclear bombs on humanity.th second is, by atomic bombs destruction  the capturing of powers is possibilities. The first one was the normal civilian people and the other was the power enjoying people. Then many  nations in the world began to experiment with nuclear weapons secretly and publicly. The cold war began after the second world  for a period of 1947 to 1991. Most  of the nations were busy equipping themselves with nuclear weapons. The United Nations Organization, a peace enforcing organization, started on the other side with the  mission to stop all the nations from producing and storing nuclear weapons. The treaties like Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) formed in 1970,Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) came in 1996 to ban the production and  test of nuclear weapons.  On 7th July 2017,the first ever legally binding agreement, the Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear weapons was formed to comprehensively prohibit nuclear weapons, with a goal of its total elimination.

The treaty NPT is signed by most of the nations, but India has not yet. India believes that this treaty is a pseudo peace making treaty. In the NPT, The countries who produced nuclear weapons are allowed to store the weapons but prohibited to produce more. But the countries that don’t have the right to produce nuclear weapons, have not produced yet. The countries who produced more weapons  and were at the head of the drafting of the policies are the same. It is the military diplomacy of those countries . So India doesn’t sign the NPT.

Read more : The Chemistry of fluroscence

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India always considered the NPT as discriminatory.The countries who produced more weapons  and were at the head of the drafting of the policies were the same,the non-proliferation  is selectively applicable to the non-nuclear powers only . So India doesn’t sign the NPT.

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