Yoga: A way of life

Vismaya c p
Updated on

Yoga is an ancient divine art that originated in India. practising yoga has become popular as a way of getting mental and physical well-being of an individual. Yoga includes meditations, breathing exercises( pranayama) and different body postures (asanas)yoga practice aims to create harmony between body, mind and spirit.

Misconceptions about yoga

  • One of the major myth about yoga is that yoga belongs to a particular religion. Many people think that yoga is associated with Hindu religion.
  • Yoga is time-consuming 
  • Yoga is expensive
  • Only women can practice yoga
  • Yoga is for young people
  • Yoga includes only some body postures
  • Older people cannot do yoga
  • Yoga is dangerous
  • Only people with a flexible body can practice yoga
  • Yoga can be studied by reading books
  • Yoga is nothing but stretching of the body
  • Anyone can train yoga


  • Yoga tones the whole body systems. yoga helps in maintaining proper blood circulation, nourishment and repair of tissues and cells, removal of waste products and restoration of metabolism
  • Regular practice of yoga keeps muscles healthy, strong and flexible
  • Yoga improves the quality of life.
  • Regular pranayama makes the lungs elastic and healthy which increases the capacity of lungs.
  • Yoga helps to regulate the functions of glands
  • Yoga relaxes the body and mind
  • Yoga helps to sleep better.
  • Yoga helps to manage stress and improves mental health.
  • Yoga helps to maintain good body postures.
  • Yoga improves the functioning of all vital organs

Guidelines for practising yoga

  • Yoga should be practised in a clean surroundings
  • Use a yoga mat for the practice 
  • Yoga should not be practised in  hurry it should be performed in a calm and quiet atmosphere
  • Practice yoga with an empty stomach, Do not practice yoga immediately after a heavy meal.
  • Yoga can be performed before and after the bath but allow half an hour between asanas and bath.
  • Bowel and bladder should be empty
  • Wear light and comfortable cloths
  • Relaxing the body in a posture is very important
  • Persons with any medical conditions practice yoga only after consulting their health 
  • Do not over-exert force beyond capacity
  • Yoga should be practised regularly
  • During menstruation, only particular yogasanas can be practised 
  • A pregnant woman should avoid certain asanas that create pressure in the abdomen.

International day of yoga

internation yoga day

International day of yoga is celebrated on June 21. Yoga day highlights the benefits and importance of yoga. yoga can bring harmony between body mind and soul.

 The theme for International Yoga Day in 2022 is ‘Yoga for Humanity, On the International Yoga Day, Special programs are organized across the country.

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Check your knowledge

Every year June 21 is celebrated as the international day of yoga

  1. One of the major myth about yoga is that yoga belongs to a particular religion. Many people think that yoga is associated with Hindu religion.
  2. Yoga is time-consuming 
  3. Yoga is expensive
  4. Only women can practice yoga
  5. Yoga is for young people
  6. Yoga includes only some body postures
  7. Older people cannot do yoga
  8. Yoga is dangerous
  9. Only people with a flexible body can practice yoga
  10. Yoga can be studied by reading books
  11. Yoga is nothing but stretching of the body
  12. Anyone can train yoga
  • Yoga tones the whole body systems. yoga helps in maintaining proper blood circulation, nourishment and repair of tissues and cells, removal of waste products and restoration of metabolism
  • Regular practice of yoga keeps muscles healthy, strong and flexible
  • Yoga improves the quality of life.
  • Regular pranayama makes the lungs elastic and healthy which increases the capacity of lungs.
  • Yoga helps to regulate the functions of glands
  • Yoga relaxes the body and mind
  • Yoga helps to sleep better.
  • Yoga helps to manage stress and improves mental health.
  • Yoga helps to maintain good body postures.
  • Yoga improves the functioning of all vital organs
  • Yoga should be practised in a clean surroundings
  • Use a yoga mat for the practice 
  • Yoga should not be practised in  hurry it should be performed in a calm and quiet atmosphere
  • Practice yoga with an empty stomach, Do not practice yoga immediately after a heavy meal.
  • Yoga can be performed before and after the bath but allow half an hour between asanas and bath.
  • Bowel and bladder should be empty
  • Wear light and comfortable cloths
  • Relaxing the body in a posture is very important
  • Persons with any medical conditions practice yoga only after consulting their health 
  • Do not over-exert force beyond capacity
  • Yoga should be practised regularly

Yoga is safe during pregnancy but one should avoid certain asanas that create pressure in the abdomen.

Regular practice of yoga helps to overcome the difficulties associated with periods. yoga makes the body more comfortable during periods. one should aware that only particular asanas can be practised during menstruation.

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Vedic Mathematics - Blog | Stuid Learning App August 1, 2022

[…] Read more : Yoga: A way of life […]


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