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Breastfeeding is one of the most efficient ways to make sure a child’s health and survival. Breastmilk is the nutritional food for infants.

  Before delivery, the mother’s nutrition is available to the baby through the umbilical cord. But breast milk is the leading food for newborn babies after birth. Breast milk gives all the nutrients for the baby’s needs. It is generally said that only breast milk should be given to the baby for up to six months. This is good for the health of the baby and the health of the baby’s belly.

Many medical experts, including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists,  recommend breastfeeding completely (no formula, juice, or water) for 6 months. After introducing other foods, it recommends continuing to breastfeed through the baby’s first year of life.

    It is essential to breastfeed the baby at intervals of three hours for the first two months after birth. It takes up to 20 minutes for the baby to drink milk until it is full. A baby cannot drink too much. That is why it is said to take more time. Not only the nipple but also the surrounding part should be put into the baby’s mouth to give milk. This will help prevent gas from passing into the baby’s stomach along with the milk. The same method is good for obtaining milk. After the first two to three months, it is enough to give the baby milk at intervals of three to four hours. After four months, the amount of milk consumed will increase. After six months, you will start drinking more milk. Because of this, it is enough to give milk at a longer interval than before. Moreover, the baby knows how to express it if it is hungry.

  • Colostrum –First stage of Milk. Colostrum occurs during pregnancy and lasts for a few days after the birth of the baby, It is  high in antibodies, nutrient-dense, and antioxidants to strengthen a newborn baby’s immune system
  • Transitional Milk – Second stage of Milk. …
  • Mature Milk – Third stage of Milk.

 August 1 to 7 is celebrated as World Breastfeeding Week every year. It promotes the benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and the baby. It was first started in 1992.  Step Up for Breastfeeding: Educate and Support is the theme of breastfeeding week 2022


Benefits of Breastfeeding for the Baby


Breast milk provides the best nutrition for infants. It is a perfect mix of vitamins, protein, and fat for your baby’s needs to grow. And it’s all provided in a form more easily digested. Breast milk contains a lot of antibodies that help your baby fight against viruses and bacteria. Breastfeeding lowers your baby’s risk of having allergic issues. babies who are breastfed for the first 6 months, without any formula, have fewer ear infections respiratory illnesses, and diahhrea.  They also have fewer doctor consultations and hospitalizations. Breastfeeding and higher IQ scores are connected. Physical closeness, eye contact, and skin-to-skin touching, your baby feel secure and improve the bonding between mom and baby. Breastfed infants are more likely to the right amount of weight gain. Breastfeeding also helps in the prevention of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). It lowers the risk of diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers as well, but more research is needed.

Breastfeeding Benefits for the Mother

mom and new born

Extra calories burn Breastfeeding, so it can help mothers’ pregnancy weight loss faster. It releases the hormone oxytocin, which helps return to its pre-pregnancy size of the uterus and may reduce uterine bleeding after childbirth. Breastfeeding also reduces your risk of ovarian and breast cancer. It may also reduce your risk of causing osteoporosis too.

Not having enough breast milk after giving birth is a problem that bothers many women. Regardless of the reasons for this, not getting enough breast milk affects the health and growth of the baby. Apart from this it also lowers immunity.

Some foods that help increase breast milk.

  • Sesame: Sesame seeds are rich in estrogen. It is rich in iron. Its estrogenic properties also help in increasing breast milk.
  • Barley: Its beta-glucan helps in the production of prolactin. Prolactin is an increase in milk production. It can be boiled in milk and drunk. If not, drink it as water.
  • Fennel: Fennel is also rich in the hormone estrogen. It also helps to improve the production of breast milk.
  • fenugreek:Fenugreek is rich in estrogen. This is exactly what it means to help increase breast milk. Fenugreek can be made into tea. Tea is boiled water with fenugreek seeds. If desired, you can add lemon juice and honey. This is something that pregnant women generally use to increase breast milk. Fenugreek can be used as medicine. With jaggery, it is very good for breast milk production. But be careful not to overdo it. Because in excess it can reduce breast milk production. Moreover, due to this heat itself, the body may have its own problems.
  • Garlic
  • Papaya
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August 1 to 7 is celebrated as World Breastfeeding Week every year

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